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Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy de me! Ok..is like 6.22am in the morning and wth am i doing at this time? I just came back from work, wow was tiring, i promise. Slept late last nite around 5am then wake up early, head down to sunshin plaza to print my presentation poster. I was dam scared la cos i did everything so last min but lucky i reach sch in time for the presentation. Thank hung for the ride to sch Feeling so good cos my PP presentation is over and i am dam happy till now ha! Work was fun, seeing ppl dressing up like joker and the mummy reture..... but the nite was great cos of the board games tat we play and stupid things kept happening until we cant stop laughing:P Wee T***, thanks aloooot ha.... I was feeling dam stress the day before my presentation but talking to u, just make me feel happier and relax. O ya , stop skipping ur dinner hor plsss. k... for now, got to go sleep le cos meeting my church frens at 10 am at queentown MRT later. wonder can i wake????!!!! GOod nite ppl Labels: I am happy but tired :)
3:20 PM
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Labels: In you life things happen for a reason
1:15 AM
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
THANK YOU SO MUCH:) Take time to realize haha! Yup i took sometime to realize and learn something! Maybe break up is a good thing for u and is not a bad thing. When couple get together, cos they love each other. so when one choose to break up, it wont stop u from caring for the person or loving her deep down in ur heart. It wont stop me! haha... When u read this, pls dun think that i am expecting something back in reture or something good will happen...or even trying to do anything to recuse the problem. If i does anything for u in the future, pls dun feel tat u owe me or pressure. Whatever i do for u in the future, I wont expect anything in reture. I do things and care for u just because I LOVE U! This will be the last time I am saying these........... Life goes on without u with me:) We can still be fren ba, just need time haha. Sam is a happy boy cos metilda is happy gal! Take care k Liang xiao pang! Labels: ai yi ge ren pu xu yao ren he hui pao
7:20 PM
Sunday, October 5, 2008
TIRED OF ALL THIS!!! DUN NEED TO FEEL GUILTY Guess i feeling better for the past few days but not today. Dun know why also but have to live with it no matter how hard it will take! DAM! Feeling guilty?? U r a passerby in my life?? A NOBODY in my life?? WTH is all these!! U r totally making me look like a FOOL and the best part is, you are insulting me big time. You saying that I loving a passerby and a nobody in my life when I really have feeling for u... wat is wrong with u.. U r just hurting me further more by saying that. I always say that u r a important person in my life but i nv thought that you take it as a BIG MISTAKE. YOU are just taking a knife cutting my heart slowly as it bleed. DAM pain u know or not and is like bleeding until nothing much that i can do le!! ANW, for moment i thought u were being caring that is y u wrote that but i was wrong!! u just feeling guilty which i no need anyone to pity me. seriously, I love u so much which i think, i am asking for it, so u no need to feel guilty wat as u alway think that, u r doing the right thing. IF u r doing thr right thing then i dun see a reason u should feel gulity! Is not easy to get over u and u should know very clearly that is not that easy too cos i believe u had been through it before.. So is a dam hard process for me, i am trying but every time i just fall again and again. Only my closest frens know cos i dun have anyone to talk to at home and basically i am suffering alone cos i believe, watever happen now, "I AM ASKING FOR IT WAN" SO i dun blame anyone... Nevertheless, u still the girl that i love and u must really take care of urself! dun get too angry with ur mum k i know, sometime, she can make u angry until u cry but take it easy ya!!! Labels: Sorry for tagging on ur blog causing u so much trouble
3:53 AM